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The COVID-19 pandemic has already changed a lot of things in our country and all throughout the world. Whether your life changed drastically, or it was left relatively unscathed, it’s clear that there are a lot of lessons to be learned from this altogether-unpleasant virus that has swept through the world.

One of the biggest lessons to be learned is the way that we keep our facilities clean. While many workplaces are fairly cognizant about the dangers of spreading contagious diseases, the bottom line is society, for the most part, just wasn’t being careful enough. Most public spaces didn’t even have a good defense for the common cold — it’s just something we dealt with in waves because it wasn’t bad enough to cause serious problems. And, as schools, businesses, and public areas began to shut down, there’s something that became overwhelmingly clear: we need to take cleanliness more seriously.

This couldn’t be more true than in an office. Offices are one of the biggest hot-spots for infection, because people tend to be packed together pretty closely. Many areas, appliances, and items are touched by just about everyone inside, and commercial HVAC systems circulate air through the building all day — air that can sometimes be contaminated with contagions, allergens, irritants, and more.


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